To help inform parents and students about the move from primary to secondary schooling, the College has prepared a comprehensive Transition Booklet. The booklet is available for download here, or a hard copy can be acquired by visiting the College office.
All the information below and more is included in the booklet.
Contacting the College
Parents are welcome to visit the College at any time, however, it is desirable to make an appointment to ensure that the teachers concerned are available. Personal information relevant to the child’s well-being should be made known to the Level Coordinator. Personal information will be treated confidentially.
Please inform the College of any new or altered address and phone numbers to enable the College to have quick access to parents in the case of illness or accident. It would be appreciated if emergency numbers (to be used when parents cannot be contacted) are also kept up to date at all times.
Student safety at Rochester Secondary College is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.
Before school: School grounds are supervised from 8:35am.
After school: School grounds are supervised to 3:45pm.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised.
Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times
Parent/Teacher Days and Nights
Two major sessions are held each year. These sessions correspond to the issue of mid-semester reports and all parents and their students are encouraged to attend. Appointments of five minutes per teacher, these appointments can be made on XUNO. Please contact the College for further information.
Information Nights
Information sessions are held for students and parents of all year levels (7-12) referring to curriculum courses within the school and courses for further study. Information regarding information sessions will be published in the College Newsletter that is distributed each Thursday. An Information Night is held early in the year for the parents of Year 7 students.
Student Welfare Services
The welfare of students and their families is given high priority at Rochester Secondary College. Support structures within the College manifest themselves in a variety of forms. A Student Welfare Coordinator is readily available to help any student who may require support or assistance in regard to their academic, personal and/or social development. The Student Welfare Coordinator acts as a vital link with parents/guardians who may wish to check on the progress of their child or to pass on relevant information. The Student Welfare Coordinator is also a valuable resource to the College community, providing support and advice regarding Community agencies and resources.
Additional help provided includes getting financial assistance, assisting in the solution of personal crises and organising for extra help to be given to students with their studies.
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